Best Cd Rates 2019

- Certificates of Deposit (CDs) Why Choose This Option? Minimum Deposit of Open Interest Rates; Promotional CD: Flexible terms and attractive rates: $5,000: View Rates: Standard CD (7-89 Days) Option to manage shorter-term saving objectives: $5,000: View Rates: Standard CD (3-84 Months) Low minimum investment: $500: View Rates: 529 CD.
- As of October 2019, the bond yield for a 5-year investment is at 1.34%, while the best nationally available 5-year CD rate is 3.00% APY. The APY (Annual Percentage Yield) shown is based on the deposit amount selected.
Best Cd Rates 2019 California

13 Month Cd Rates Today
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Offer good for the initial term only. CD is automatically renewed for the same term. The rate is determined based on the published rate for the CD, excluding CD Specials, that is closest to but not exceeding the term of the CD. Advertised rate and APY are offered at the bank's discretion and may change daily. Return to content, Footnote 2. Step Rate CD Rates $2,500 minimum opening deposit A Step Rate CD (Time Account) is a 24-month CD featuring guaranteed interest rate increases and one penalty-free withdrawal every six months, provided the minimum opening balance is maintained.
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Best Cd Rates Available
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