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NDS ROMs for R4 flash cards and PC emulators. Nintendo DS RomSets with ALL DS Games ever released + we have Torrent Downloads and DDL links for the latest files.
- (NDS ROMs) 0001-0050 (
[Size: 651.57 MB]
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Electroplankton (J) - Need For Speed - Underground 2 (U) - Yoshi Touch & Go (U) - Feel the Magic - XY-XX (U) - WarioWare Touched! (U) - Asphalt - Urban GT (U) - Ridge Racer DS (U) - Super Mario 64 DS (E) - Star Wars Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith (E) - Pokemon Dash (U) - Kirby - Canvas Curse (U) - GoldenEye - Rogue Agent (U) - Bomberman (J) - Nintendogs - Chihuahua & Friends (J) - The Urbz - Sims In The City (U) etc.
blank R4DS and R4i SDHC DSi cartridges for playing .NDS ROMs
visit the R4DS Store to find the best Nintendo DS and DSi Flash Cards for the lowest prices. For DSi and DSiXL I would suggest R4 SDHC, R4i or AceKard 2i with the best compatibility. But if you need the card for playing NDS ROMS on the old DS Lite or NDS original you can buy the cheapes R4 DS card that will do the job just fine!
find out more about DS Flash Cards
- (NDS ROMs) 0051-0100 (
[Size: 933.43 MB]
Another Code - Two Memories (E) - Tiger Woods PGA Tour (E) - Naruto - Saikyou Ninja Daikesshuu 3 (J) - Bomberman (U) - Madden NFL 2005 (U) - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory (E) - Nintendogs - Shiba & Friends (J) - Famicom Wars DS (J) - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory (U) - Nintendogs - Miniature Dachshund and Friends (J) - Nanostray (U) - Naruto RPG 2 - Chidori vs. Rasengan (J) - Jump Super Stars (J) - Madden NFL 06 (U) - Nintendogs - Chihuahua & Friends (U) - Nintendogs - Lab & Friends (U) - Nintendogs - Dachshund & Friends (U) - Fullmetal Alchemist - Dual Sympathy (J) - Yu-Gi-Oh! - Nightmare Troubadour (U) - Rockman EXE 5 DS - Twin Leaders (J) - Bokujou Monogatari - Korobokkoru Sute-shon (J) etc.
- (NDS ROMs) 0101-0150 (
[Size: 1.07 GB] [Statistics]
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[Size: 1.16 GB] [Statistics]
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[Size: 793.39 MB] [Statistics]
- (NDS ROMs) 0251-0300 (
[Size: 1.21 GB] [Statistics]
- (NDS ROMs) 0301-0350 (
[Size: 1.34 GB]
ROMset #7 Includes games like: DragonBall Z - Supersonic Warriors 2 (E), Finding Nemo (U), The Rub Rabbits (U), The Sims 2 (J), Resident Evil Deadly Silence (U),Tamagotchi Connection - Corner Shop (U), Age of Empires - The Age of Kings, Nanostray (E), FIFA Street 2, Blades of Thunder II, Top Gun (J), Super Monkey Ball - Touch & Roll, Super Peach Princess (U), Pokemon Trozei (U) and many more.
- (NDS ROMs) 0351-0400 (
[Size: 962 MB]

ROMset #8 Includes games like: Ys Strategy (J),Tetris DS (U),Metroid Prime Hunters (U)(WRG),
Worms - Open Warfare (E),Deep Labyrinth (J),San-X Land - Theme Park de Asobou (J),Harry Potter to Honou no Goblet (J),Ice Age 2 - The Meltdown (E),Animal Crossing Wild World (E),Resident Evil - Deadly Silence (E),Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney (E),Brain Age - Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! (U),Top Spin 2 (E) and many more.
- (NDS ROMs) 0401-0450 (
[Size: 991. MB]

Finding Nemo - Escape to the Big Blue (E),Kanji Sonomama Rakubiki Jiten (J),Zoo Tycoon DS Doubutuen wo Tukurou (J),Tetris DS (E),My Pet Hotel (E),MegaMan Battle Network 5 - Double Team DS (E),Naruto Saikyo Ninja Daikesshu 4 (J),FIFA World Cup 2006 (E),Nobunaga no Yabou DS (J),Guilty Gear Dust Strikers (U),Lostmagic (U),Trauma Center - Under The Knife (E),Lostmagic (E),Metroid Prime Hunter (E),Pokemon Link (E),Top Gun (U),New Super Mario Bros. (U),Over The Hedge (U),X-Men - The Official Game (U),Super Princess Peach (E),Taos Adventure Curse of the Demon Seal (E),Peter Jacksons King Kong Official Game of the Movie (J),Ultimate Spider Man (J) and many more.
- (NDS ROMs) 0451-0500 (
[Size: 1.05 GB]
X-Men - The Official Game (E), Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Mans Chest (U), New Super Mario Brothers (E), Sudoku Mania (U), Rockman ZX (J),Cars (J), Naruto RPG 3 - Reijuu vs Kinoha Shoutai (J), Big Brain Academy (U), Metal Saga - Hagane no Kisetsu (J), Tamagotchi Connexion Corner Shop (E). etc.

- (NDS ROMs) 0501-0550 (
[Size: 1.12 GB]
Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Mans Chest (J), Mario Basket 3 on 3 (J), Nintendo DS Browser (J), Top Gun (E), Cars (E)(WRG), Monster House (E), Deep Labyrinth (U), Madden NFL 2007 (U), Final Fantasy III (J), Star Fox Command (U). etc.
- (NDS ROMs) 0551-0600 (
[Size: 909.70 MB]
Cars (I)- Lego Star Wars 2 (U)- Mini RC Rally (U)- Megaman ZX (U)- Mario Hoops 3 On 3 (U)- Cooking Mama (U)- Harvest Moon DS (U)- Mech Assault Phantom War (U)- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Blue Rescue Team (U)- Dragon Quest Heroes - Rocket Slime (U)- FIFA 2007 (E)- Alex Rider - Stormbreaker (E)- Mario Vs Donkey Kong 2 - March of the Minis (U)- Pokemon Pearl (J)- Pokemon Diamond (J)- Mage Knight Destinys Soldier (U)- Guilty Gear Dust Strikers (J)- Nintendo DS Browser (E)- Ice Age 2 - The Meltdown (J)- Avatar The Last Airbender (U) and other DS games.
- (NDS ROMs) 0601-0650 (
[Size: 1.21 GB]
English Training (E)(Legacy) - Crash Boom Bang (U)- Spyro A New Beginning (U)- Nintendogs Dalmatian (U)- Justice League Heroes The Flash (U)- Kodomo no Tame no Yomi Kikase - Ehon de Asobou 4 (J)- Children of Mana (U)- Magical Starsign (U)- Contact (U)- SpongeBob SquarePants - Creature From the Krusty Krab (U)- American Dragon Jake Long - Attack of the Dark Dragon (U)- Tales Of The Tempest (J)- Scurge Hive (U)- Tony Hawks Downhill Jam (U)- The Sims 2 Pets (E)- Pokemon Ranger (U)- Star Trek - Tactical Assault (U) - Need For Speed Carbon - Own The City (U) etc.
- (NDS ROMs) 0651-0700 (
[Size: 1.25 GB] - (NDS ROMs) 0701-0750 (
[Size: 1.02 GB]
Asphalt Urban GT 2 (E), Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney (E), Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Spirit Summoner, Spider-Man Battle For New York (E), Flushed Away (E), Yoshis Island DS (E), Dogz (U), Kirby Squeak Squad (U), Point Blank DS (E), Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (U) and others.
- (NDS ROMs) 0751-0800 (
[Size: 1.11 GB]
SNK vs. Capcom - Card Fighters DS (J), Naruto - Shinobi Retsuden (J), Ys Strategy (E)(Legacy), Star Wars - Lethal Alliance (E), Full Metal Alchemist - Dual Sympathy (U), Age of Empires (S), Dragon Quest Monsters Joker, Monopoly - Boggle - Yahtzee - Battleship (E), The Sims 2 Pet Wan Nyan Life (J), Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Spirit Caller (U) etc.
- (NDS ROMs) 0801-0850 (!
[Size: 1.19 GB]
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Including NDS ROMs Paws & Claws - Pet Vet,Charlottes Web,Micro Machines V4, Dead N Furious, Children of Mana, Brick Em All DS, Cars, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney - Justice For All, The Incredibles - Rise of the Underminer, Hotel Dusk - Room 215, Zoo Tycoon, Star Fox Command, Diddi Kong Racing, Contact, Magical Starsign, Lunar Knights, Pro Evolution Soccer 2007. etc.
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